Our principle services and commitments to our clients are;
1. Agricultral production and marketing.
We shall:
- Increase visits and offer technical advice from 30% to 50% of allcro, livestock and fish farmers through extension workers at least once a year.
- Provide access to market information to 70% of the farmers through farmer's forum and radio. Hold 2 farmer forums each year and hold monthly radio talk shows.
- Contral crop pests and disease as and when they occur.
- Distridution o seeds that are resistant to pests and diseases is to continue each year in each season.
- Increase the training of farmers in enterprise identification and selection from43% to 65%.
- Mobilize all householdsin the district to have sufficient food throughout the year from 30% to 70%.
- Promot the advancement in improved agricultural practices and technologies and use by farmers from the current level of 20% to 40%.
- Ensure that 100% farmers that we fund are visited in each quarter.
- Ensure that each sub county has 1 functional savings credit corperative Organization (SACCO)
2. Provide Basic education and literacy.
We shall:
- Increase enrollment rate from 98% to 99% and retntion rate from 84% to 85% of all boys and girls of school going age in primary schools.
- Inspect 124 Government aided, 30 private rimary schools and all postprimary institutions in the District at least once each term.
- Reduce the Primary leaving Examination failure rate from7% to 2%.
- Enforce co-curricular activities in 90% of the 124 Government aided and 30 private schools in the District.
- Mobilize the parents to maintain ans sustain all school classrooms.
- Reduce existing text book to pupils ratio from 1:6 to 1:3.
- Mobilize all parents to feed their children while at school.
- Reduce pupils latrine stance ratio from 1:7 to 1:65
- Reduce pupil classroom ratio from the current 1:99 to 1:90.
- Re-orient and induct all head teacher in their roles at least once a year.
- Reduce pupils desk ratio from 1:5 to 1:3.
3. Deliver Minimun Health package.
We shall:
- Attend to patients who go to a health Clinic within 1 hour of the client's/patient's reporting
- Increase DPT3 vaccine coverage from 68% to 80%.
- Increase the number of OPD attendance per capita from 0.5 to 0.1.
- Increase the percentage of pregnant women who recieve protection against malaria through IPT with 2 doses os SP from 60% to 80%.
- Increase supervised deliveries from 32% to 50%.
- Incease the number of Households with improved pit latrines from 66% to 100%.
- Reduce HIV/AIDS prvelance rate from 5.5% to 2%.
- Provide 100% of essential drugs to all Health Units throughout the year.
4. Developed and Maintain Infrastructure.
We shall:
- Maintain 75% of all District raods in motorable conditions throughout the year.
- Maintain 65% of all District buildings.
- Supervise and ensure that 90% of the new buildings in Rural Growth Centers are well planned and constructed based on standards provided.
- Ensure that 70% of the District vehicles and equipment are functional.
5. Provide Safe Water and Sanitation.
We shall:
- Increase access of households to sustain safe water from 66% to 75%.
- Ensure that 90% of all the water sources are functional.
6. Enhance Sustainable use of Natural Resources.
We shall:
- Create awareness on sustainable us of wetlands in all relevant Parishes of at least two sub counties and form Parish wetland managment committees annually.
- Train 24 farmer groups in Natural Resources Management each financial year.
- Monitor at least 10 projects to ensure compliance with environmental mitigation measures and Environmental impact ASSESSMENT (EIA) condiions.
- Survey 32 houshold plots in the pilot Sub county of Busitema.
- Process 32 certificates of Customary Land ownership and 25 Title deeds for private developers.
- Senstize community on land tenure in 8 parishes of Busitema Sub county.
- Distribute 1,600 tree-seedlings to 18 farmers each recieving 88 seedlings in the 9 sub counties of the District.
- Increase survey control pionts coverage from 15% to 35%.
- Senstize at least 30% of registred forestry resource dealers per year on sustainable use of forestry resources.
7. Mobilize Resource.
We shall:
- Prepare annual work plans and budgets as required under the Budget Act.
- Collect 100% of the budgeted local revenue due to thee Local Government
- Plan for and double revenue collection from new sources in each financial year.
- Ensure timely approval of Business licenses by Commercial Officer.
8. Develop and review Ordinance and By-law Regulations.
We shall:
- Develop new by-laws and regulations.
- Enforce all the by-laws and regulations.
9. Enhance Institutional Capacity.
We shall:
- Demonstrate specific improvements in institutional capacity on an annual basis through publishing and sharing annual reports.
- Continuously sensitize and train our human resource, increased from 300 to 350 the number of employees to be sensitized/trained annually on skills improvement so as to enhance their performance through workshops and seminars.
- Cascade the implementation of Clent Charters to staff and user/managment committees of front-line service units.
- Train 13 staff in career development course each financial year as compared to 8 in the previous financial years.
10. Enhance Participatory Development and Democracy.
We shall:
- Involve all stackholders in the Planning process of the District.
- Plan for, budget and implement only those investments that have gone through a bottom-up participatory planning processes.
- Adequately budget for the national and Disrict priority programs.
- Mainstream gender issues in all development plans for the District and Lower Local Government.
- Form or Constitute facility managment committees for the existing facilities and new facilities that are put in place.
11. Uphold Performance and Accountability.
We shall:
- Each Department shall be obliged to prepare a departmental performance plan, account and maintain actual performance record deliveriess on a quarterly basis.
- Provid performance accountability reports to Council on an annual basis in line with the provisions of the Law.
- Ensure that the staff will work as their targets and schedules of duties as required by the provisions of the standing Orders and Standing regulations and guidelines.
- Ensure that all statutory meeting of Council will take plae at the prescribed intervals, are open to the pubilc, and minutes of all meetings will be made public within two weeks in accordance with the provision of the law.
- Pay salaaries for all staff by28th of every month.
- Attend to our client within 30 minutes of arrival at service delivery points.