On the 25-26Th May 2023, Busia District hosted the 27th Uganda Local Government Association, ULGA annual general meeting at Masafu in Golden Gardens.
The meeting that was that was attended by several local government leaders across the country was opened by Hon. Victoria Rusoke Busingye, State Minister for Local Government Ministry of Local Government on 25th May 2023, a day before the main meeting.
She cautioned District Chairpersons to guard themselves against errant actions and lamentations. The Minister called upon the Local Government leaders to stick to ensuring that all programmes of Government of the Republic of Uganda are successful especially Parish Development Model,PDM which was still initial phase of implementation.
In the pre activities, the Local Government leaders were taken for a tour to Busia County in the Republic of Kenya to benchmark on County Administration and operations and later hosted for a dinner where they were entertained by schools, cultural groups and artists from Busia on 25th May 2023 at Royal Breeze Hotel. Entertainment from Busia Secondary School,and artists like Dem Temz and Sky Governor kept the local Government leaders lively for the entire evening.
Earlier on the 26th May 2023, the leaders visited Wagagai Mining Company Limited to see the biggest gold mining company in Uganda then later convened for the grand meeting where the leaders agreed on a number of action points that would run the association for the upcoming year.